the truck driver at dollar tree today was abnormal.
as i walked into the backroom, he greeted me rather enthusiastically. i gave him a generic salute gesture hello, and he called me out on the fact that in america, one does not show the palm of the hand while saluting. the history of this, according to him, is that the british salute with the palm of the hand showing because they've been defeated. and we've never been defeated. of course.
he asked if we wanted to hear a joke. then he asked if we were good with words. the joke went thusly: "do you know the definition of the word indecent? -- if it's in long, and it's in hard, and it's in deep, then it's indecent." everyone present laughed the required awkward amount. he then said, "wanna hear another joke? politics..." he paused at this point long enough for taylor to think that was the whole joke and laugh. trust us, the real joke was more disappointing. so don't worry.
he asked us if we were protesting the war because we had long hair.
diana bought a yashica 35mm. we went out to take some pictures with it. and then it broke later that night.
here is her torso posing with her new camera:

some swings:

