i have almost completed my second bicycle. it's purple with transparent green. also it is a fixed gear. people say they are dangerous, and i agree.
it broke my phalanges already and i haven't even ridden it yet.
i had just installed the crank arms and the rear wheel and wanted to see if the chain was working alright, and my finger got a little to close to the chainring and was sucked up. my finger was very flat and i heard it crunch a little. so i backed it out and bled on my shoe and my floor. i went to the ER and they told me to wear a splint and put neosporin on it. anyway. it has drawn first blood. it's still on the chainring actually.
this bike needs a name and i need help thinking of one.

that is a lovely bike friend!
i want a fixee now! shit!!! francoiz is real nice too. and tibet got torn up a little during my wreck this morning. just handlebar wrap damage, kind of like my scrapes. i'm glad tibet doesn't have a maybe-cracked rib, like me. that would be bad. cause i get better, but tibet's real old already.
when you get back, will you help me paint her and get new handlebar grip tape? that would be nice. good as new.
oh, i miss you. so much.
i miss you too friend. i like your new bloodsucker. oh man we will have great long sweaty bike rides (on our fixiessssss) in a couple of months.
okay that was me (caitlin) last post, andrea used my computer and didn't log off!!! oopsie.
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